Olivia - Female Schnauzer (Miniature)Terrier (Unknown Type Small

Oliva That s my name don t wear it out Just kidding I m pretty much the joker out of my sisters. I like to play a lot But snuggling is pretty cool too I like to copy my big sister Nora but since I m smaller it s kinda hard to do everything she does But I give it my all I try hard at everything I do and if I set my mind to it- I usually accomplish it Like the stairs...those things are hard But I m working on it If you d like to adopt me please message Dogs of Hilltown. They saved me from a not so fun life and now I m ready to find my furever family Maybe that ll be you -----------------------------Dogs of HIlltown is located near Frisco Texas and for the safety of our dogs we only accept adoption applications from in-state. We are a foster based 501c3 nonprofit rescue. We know and treat each and every dog like they are our own family members. We love these dogs and we want the best for them. We require all those interested in our dogs and puppies to fill out an adoption application complete with personal and veterinary references. Once an application has been approved DOH schedules a homecheck with the potential adopter.Our adoption fee is 200 - that includes- all age appropriate vaccinations sterilization and microchip. All our dogs are heartworm and fecal tested and vetted to the fullest before they are adopted out. We take pride in the health of our former street dogs. They came from horrible conditions and we never want them to feel another moment of illness or pain. Dogs of Hilltown is devoted to finding the perfect family for our wonderful dogs. If you think you would like to adopt a dogs of Hilltown pup or dog please send us a message and we will forward you an adoption application ... More Info



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