Thunder - Male Chihuahua

Hi My name is Thunder because I have a sunny disposition but I got a TON of energy. I am about 2 years old and I am looking for a new lap to keep warm. I weigh about 7 pounds so I think I am the boss. I have a very strong personality so I will need an experienced person to live with. I am crate trained & I also walk well on a leash. My foster mom says I am a super spunky BIG dog in a little body. I face life head on and prefer to do it from ground level. I do really well with going outside to take care of my business . I really like playing with the other dogs here and I don t even mind cats but if I see a squirrel then I am off for the chase. If you think you would be interested in meeting me please fill out an adoption application. I will be waiting to hear from you. Thunder is a small guy about 6.5 and younger at around 2 years He is not a purse pet he is a real strong guy with a strong personality who commands and deserves respect and he will respect you back Someone who knows and appreciates a REAL chihuahua and is a lover of the breed will find this guy ultra awesome He s terrific on the leash and has had the benefit of training to make him a terrific canine citizen. Thunder is a wonderful guy in the right environment and we can t wait to put him in the perfectly matched adoptive home. His adoption fee is 250.... More Info



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