Twix - Male Chihuahua Mix

Twix here Sweet as a chocolate bar but a little spicy too I m a young guy that came to rescue because I had an injury that needed attention and I needed a neuter too. So that s all squared away and I m now grown up and boy do I have a personality I have a great foster mom and though my original people wanted to take me back into their home and heart one thing about me is obvious I have some energy and sometimes I m not so awesome with little ones. They want to play and I haven t quite figured out that play doesn t include nipping and jumping. SO for that reason a family with another playful pet dog OR cat and a fenced secure yard and OLDER kids would be wonderful I am learning everyday how to mind my manners Obedience training would be a contingency of my adoption so I can be the best dog possible You won t be sorry Chihuahua Rescue Says Twix is a terrific and handsome boy that has come a LONG way. He is less puppy and more of a juvenile at this point. He is about 9 and is alert and entertaining. He does love snuggles he will ride in a care and walk on a leash He also will race out an open door so the obedience training is a MUST to keep this pet safe as in the fenced yard. CRI will help support the training and will be there to get you into a good place with this spectacular pet should you choose to adopt and be approved. Twix is fully vetted He has an adoption fee of 250.... More Info



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