Tinkerbell - Female Chihuahua Mix

Hi My name is Tinkerbell. My previous owner gave me to the shelter in Bloomington but I was really unhappy there. I had flea-bite dermatitis and was really itchy with very little hair on my backside and tail. When I don t feel good or I am nervous and scared I can be a little grumpy and nippy. The shelter didn t think I d be a good dog to adopt and I would do better in rescue. So the Chihuahua Rescue folks came to get me. They put me in a real home with other dogs. They gave me time and space to get used to things just what I needed. I m totally house-trained both to outside and to puppy pads. I get on OK with the other dogs but I m not a fan of a puppy who s in my face all the time wanting to play. I love women especially love to sit in the chair with them. I don t like men Chihuahua Rescue thinks a man was mean to me in the past. I will warm up eventually but you will have to earn my trust. I was 1-1.5 lbs over weight but a measured amount of good food and lots of exercise is helping me regain my slim figure Chihuahua Rescue says Tinkerbell weighs 8.4 lbs and is 6 years old. Her skin is all cleared up and her hair has grown back. She d do really well in a calm home with maybe one or two other dogs. Older kids or teens would be fine but she d probably not enjoy kids under 8 years old. Her adoption fee is 250.... More Info



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