Rosie - Female Shepherd (Unknown Type)Australian Kelpie Mix

Adopt Rosie Rosie is a gorgeous petite black and cream colored Shiba Inu- Kelpie- something or other mutt with the cutest curly Q tail. Rosie is a sweet friendly girl who is laid back and happy to hang out by your side in the shade. Rosie can be a little nervous and shy in new situations but gets a lot of confidence and happiness from being around people-friendly dogs and she would love to go to a home with another dog in it. Rosie likes other dogs who play respectfully with her. Rosie likes to get her head scratched so get ready for some snuggling Rosie was house trained in her previous home but may need a refresher course once she s in a new home with new schedule. Rosie is looking for a home of her own but can also be adopted together with her doggie brother Taz (ID 55918). Ask how you can meet Rosie today Primary Color Black Secondary Color Tan Weight 27.6 Age 5yrs 0mths 0wks... More Info



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