Computer Problems? I m Your Guy! - Price: Please Contact

I m offering my knowledge and services for a Fair Reasonable price. If you have problems with your computer or if it needs repair I ll do it Again For a Fair Reasonable Price. You can drop off your computer with me at my home and pick-up at your convenience. And if I can t fix or find a solution to your computer problem you will owe me Nothing for my time. I have over 10 years of experience and I work on computers as a side job just to earn some extra cash. I have had hundreds of satisfied customers FREE QUOTES I LL BEAT MOST PRICES Please E-mail or Text-Only (571-three.nine.three-twenty.three.eighty.fou r)Feel free to contact me at Anytime day or night with the issue(s) your having and I ll get back to you As soon as possible. I ve fixed computers that not even the Technicians that work at the Pentagon could fix. Also computers that have been hit by bad Electrical Surges. Below is a list of services I do -Computer Optimization-Memory (RAM) Installation-Operating System Install and Reinstallation-Virus Worm Trojan Malware and Spyware Removal-Windows registry cleanup-Startup environment cleanup for faster boot-up-Data Recovery-Data Back-up-Software Installation-Hardware Installation-Computer clean-up Removal of dust pet hair etc.And much much more



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