Cheap Affordable Computer Repair Service in Washington Heights ,

Are you looking for Computer Repair in Washington Heights in Upper Manhattan Then look no further as Thirty5Tech NYC Computer Repair is here to help you out solved any computer issue you might be experiencing .. My name is Miko Ulloa (Mike) I m a certified Computer Repair Technician that has been servicing computers since late 2001 . With over 12 years experience in troubleshooting Windows PC and Hardware I have been able to develop the skills needed to correct any issue you are experiencing fast and at an affordable flat rate. So if you are looking for affordable computer repair in NYC Then feel free to give us a call are service rate are one of the cheapest in NYC for Computer Repair . For a flat rate of 60.00 USD you could have a technician stop by and service your computer at your location usually within a day or next day . Please note that we do not sell computer hardware So if your computer is need of hardware replacement Then it will be up to the Customer to order the hardware needed to correct the computer hardware that might be defective . However I m here to help you in ordering the part or going to your nearest BestBuy or Staples to pick up the hardware that is needed.Our Rate sOnSite Computer Repair Only 60.00 for the first PC and 30.00 for each additional Desktop or Laptop at the same location in NYC Washington Heights . Parts not included .Drop-Off at our Location Only 30.00 per computer drop off at our location in NYC Washington Heights. We do our best to have your Computer Ready the same day . Parts not included .Remote Desktop Service Only 35.00 for this service and you must have a active internet connection in order for us to offer this service . Usually best for troubleshooting minor issue.My Contact InformationName Miko Ulloa (Mike)Address 35 Fort Washington AveCall for Apartment between 160th St & 161st St in ManhattanTel Direct Line (917)-508-6047TEXT SMS (347)-767-5918Website We Support and Repair Most Computer Brands such as Acer ASUS or ASUSTek Compaq Dell eMachines Fujitsu Gateway Hewlett-Packard or HP IBM Motion Computing NEC Lenovo Samsung Siemens (SIMATIC) Sony Toshiba at a affordable flat rate . If your Computer brand is not listed here NO need to worried We service any Windows PC at our location or your location with a Thirty5Tech OnSite Computer Technician . Feel free to Contact Us for any information and or Advice you need to troubleshooting your Windows Desktop or Laptops .



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