I do

I am seeking women(race is unimportant) that wants to get married for a green card and who is willing to contribute thirty thousand U.S. dollars to our new and happy relationship and life together. I am a passive and non judgmental person. I am not violent and I WILL NOT take you through any unnecessary changes. I will not force anything on you. I do not want to rule you or make you unhappy or disrespect whatever culture that you come from. I will respect and treat you like a woman and a person at all times. You also cannot have a nasty or combative attitude. This does not mean that you have to submit to any whims or ridiculous request but we do have to live in harmony. Please do not send me pictures of your body fake picutres of someone else or request me to follow suit in any kind of phishing scam. I am also not going to follow someone from site to site or email several email addy s. If you are serious deal with me accordingly which means straight up. If you are scamming trust me you are beating a dead horse.



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