Adopt Lilly Belle a RedGoldenOrangeCh estnut Labrador Retriever

Lilly Belle is not only stand-out pretty with stunning soft eyes but she is also super cute. She listens wells when you say no or drop it. She does pull on a leash but is catching on fast to learning to walk better. She doesn t have issues being touched anywhere and lets the volunteers wash her paws off when they get messed up after her walks. She loves kisses on her forehead. Lilly Belle came in to the Hazel Park shelter as a stray. It is obvious that she has had some pups but she is now spayed so her days being a mom and caring for her pups are over. Now it is her time to be loved and cared for. She is a pretty mellow and all around nice girl with a nice spirit. You will want to take the time to meet this gentle and very easy going dog.Lilly Belle has a big personality Take her to run at HP dog park and get to know her ...



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