Meet ColtonAKC Miniature Schnauzer Beautiful Boy

Meet Colton This handsome little guy will be center of the universe in his new home. He has such the sweetest personality already and is just going to be a stunning looking little boy. He is sure to bring tons of love with him to his new home and promises to give unlimited puppy kisses to his new family. He is such a delight and the cutest thing you have ever seen. He is an AKC Miniature Schnauzer. He is going to be toy size and black with a little white on his chin and chest. His daddy is 4.5 lbs and momma is 7 lbs. He will have a full super to megacoat and be super stunning when he is grown. He will be very square and excellent conformation. He has excellent lines and is a very healthy puppy. We have left his ears natural as it really shows his personality but can be cropped at the discretion of the owner just let us know. He is a little go getter and loves to go about the home independently. This little guy is just too adorable for words. He seems to have a very independent personality and calm demeanor. He is held constantly and loves to fall asleep snuggled up next to you. He is such a sweet boy and will be an eye catcher when he gets older. He loves to play with toys and loves to chase the ball most of all. He is extremely smart and is already using puppy pads. He would make an excellent companion for anyone any age. He has been desensitized to clippers and will be easy to bathe. He has had his tail and dew claws removed and ears can be cropped by our veterinarian. He will be ready in July first of August. This little guy and his litter mates are raised in our home and are part of our family with other animals and children. He will have his up to date puppy shots and of course wormings every 2 weeks. He will have a collar leash toys and food as well when picked up. He will be microchipped as well. He will have a written health guarantee and a lifetime of support. Our motto is once our puppies always our puppies. To have more pictures of her or any questions please call us at 479-841-4623. We would love to speak to you at any time and answer any questions you may have about our baby or our other pups we have available. Shipping is available.



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