Adopt NOAH a Tricolor (TanBrown and Black and White) Entlebucher

Hi there My name is Noah. What s yours Nice to meet ya Hey Before you get too attached to me read all the way to the bottom. You will see that I am still in Houston TX but I want to get OUT of Houston and OUT of Texas so I can have a really good life. I want to see Texas in my rear view mirror. A nice person came along and took me in and now I am ready to hit the road to your house Uh make that our house OK Ready Set Get ready to hear all about me. Those funny-looking 2-legged creatures say that I am a beautiful dog and really attractive too How s that for starters I am healthy fully vetted and neutered YIKES I am an Entlebucher Mountain Dog Labrador mixture. I am 2.5yrs old and I weigh 28 lbs j-u-s-t the right size wouldn t you say ...



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