Dr Phillips Salon Help You To Achieve Healthy Hair - Price: $49

Shallamar s Hair Solutions 407 507 3000 www.shallamarshairsolutions.com Dr Phillips Salon helps you to achieve healthy hair by placing each client on a hair care plan designed for their hair type and condition. Each customer as a different hair care need and the goal is to create the specific treatment plan that will keep that client hair in the utmost conditions. Everyone s hair tend to get weak over the course of having various chemicals applied to it and also every day combing brushing and pulling will adversely affect the hair. The goal is to be on a program that will keep your hair healthy and in it s best condition. Both adults and children must pay attention to their hair and avoid harsh chemicals or excessive pulling and tugging. Here at our Doctor Phillips Salon we achieve this by doing a complimentary consultation to each client on their initial visit. Each hair type and texture is different and will react to various chemical treatment in different ways. Care must be taken to do a strand test before any chemicals is used especially if the hair is virgin to the chemical application being used. Excessive blowing drying and curling or flat irons is also damaging to the hair. Such services should be done with care in mind. Extra hot blow dryers or irons should also be avoiding to prevent burning or scarring the hair. If you have being doing a lot of blow drying and flat iron then you must be careful is a chemical application will be applied and also let your hair technician know about it as well during your initial consultation. Visit our website for a full hair care program that we have set for various hair type. This may change based on individual needs. These steps can assist you though as we help you achieve healthy hair at or Dr Phillips salon. Hair coloring can have various effect on the hair and can be a very touchy subject between stylist and client. Double processing can also have adverse effect and a hair analysis is recommended before deciding to do this process. Clients are advised to listed to their hair technician and come up with a solutions together. Hair extensions are great to give highlights effect and should be considered as an alternative if your hair is not strong enough for a double process. Visit our website for more information. Like us on facebook for daily hair care tips and also you can visit our you tube page to see our hair care videos. We will work with you to achieve the healthy bouncy hair you have always wanted. Allow our Dr Phillips salon to help you achieve healthy hair.



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