Heidi - Female Blue Heeler Mix

Looking for a love bug You ve found her Hi my name is Heidi. I am a friendly 2-year-old blue black and white Blue Heeler mix weighing 42-pounds. I m not sure why I was named Heidi but maybe my previous owner thought I would make a great mountain pet someday. I was surrendered to the SPCA of Texas on May 22 because my previous owner had too many pets. I can be a little shy at first but I am a total love bug once you get to know me. In my previous home I spent a lot of time outdoors and was around livestock so my previous owner said I would make a great farm dog. I love treats and love to be petted. I also love to walk and am easy to walk. You may be enamored by my plaid (mostly black and white) coat and perhaps these colors go well with my love for the outdoors. According I get along with cats and other dogs. Did you know that you can bring your current vaccinated pets to the shelter to meet potential pets like me I have been spayed microchipped and have received my age-appropriate vaccinations. I am heartworm positive but thanks to generous donors my treatment will be FREE at any Metroplex-area VCA Animal Hospital once I m adopted. Please come and visit me This may be your last chance to adopt an amazing love bug Written by David SPCA of Texas volunteer. Primary Color Blue Black Secondary Color White Weight 42.2 Age 2yrs 0mths 4wks... More Info



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