2001 Aerocomp Comp Air 8 - Price: $295,000

CA-8 325 000 -- must sell -- SALE PRICE 295 000 OBO The high cruise speed large useful load quiet roomy interior and comfortable bucket seats (with club seating for six people) make the CA8 an enjoyable cross-country aircraft for business or pleasure. Cruising comfortably at about 200mph (TAS(at)21 zero feet) with a useful load of up to 2400 pounds the turbine-powered Comp Air 8 will carry up to six adults (plus lots of baggage) in comfort and style. Individual bucket seats are provided for 6 adults with ample leg and headroom. The 31-1 2 feet. long Comp Air 8 is 2 ft longer than the popular Comp Air 7 and is designed to take full advantage of the Walter 601 turboprop engine___s outstanding load-carrying capability. With 237 square ft of wing area the Comp Air 8 can easily accommodate a 5600lb. gross weight (approx 2400 pounds. useful). Tapered wings for faster cruise are included as a standard feature on the Comp Air 8....



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