2009 Clayton 16x80 3bed 2bath - Price: payoff

2009 16 x 80 Clayton mobile home - 3 bedrooms and 2 Bathrooms - for sale (1190 sq ft). It has a very large living room. Large master bedroom with large bathroom featuring a garden tub enclosed shower and walk in closet second bathroom has tub with shower large kitchen with eat in dining room separated by an island a laundry room tucked away by the back door built in TV stand Refrigerator stove dishwasher and microwave all included. There is an 8 x 8 shed outside for lawn equipment storage that goes with the sale. Trailer is occupied until finalizing of the sale. Trailer is currently located at Magnolia Lakes Mobile Home Community in Suffolk can be moved at buyers expense. Must see to appreciate it. Price around 48 000. (payoff assume loan) Phone (757) 404-3795



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