Kunekune x American Guinea Hog - homestead pasture pigs

We have piglets available from 3 different litters. They are different percentages of Kunekune and American Guinea Hog crosses. Both breeds are similar in size. They get to be about knee high and between 200 and 300 lbs. They are slow growing breeds. They can t be feed out quickly unless you are just looking for a lot of fat. The crosses graze and forage well. This makes them ideal homestead type pigs. Rather than investing a lot in feed invest a little more time and allow them to graze and forage for much of their feed. They are also a good way to turn extra eggs milk garden scraps table scraps even grass clippings into something useful. . ..pork This makes them great little homestead pigs. These pigs also have great personalities are fun to have around and make great pets just not inside pets. 3 28 16 litter (5 8 kk x 3 8 agh) two black gilts available. 150 each. 5 15 16 litter (3 4 kk x 1 4 agh) 3 boar piglets are available. 200 each for the red spotted piglets 100 for black boar piglet or 50 as a barrow. 5 18 16 litter (1 2 kk x 1 2 agh) 2 boar piglets are available. All are black. 100 each for boars or 50 as barrows. Package discounts on purchase of multiple piglets. For more info visit our sales page at www.lnlminifarm.com for_sale.htm If you have any questions or if we can help in any way please let us know. We raise a variety of small livestock learn more about our farm by viewing our website at www.lnlminifarm.com or check us out on facebook at s www.facebook.com pages LNL-Minifarm 297451976978875



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