Buy Properties for Cash Fast

We are in need of properties within the price range 40k to 175k in the following areas at 70% or less ARV (which would include the purchase and repair cost).The following zip codes are primarily what we are looking for. However we are open to anything within a 15 mile radius of these zip codes as long as the numbers work.21239 21212 21206 21209 21234 21236 21237 21214 21215 21244 21207 21208 21117 21236 21133 21224 21220 21228 Other Areas Of Baltimore County Are A Big Plus Also We like Anne Arundel Carroll and Howard County.We will buy it immediately if the numbers work. Just Click The Link below and complete the Property Submission Form and we are Off To The Races. s GjeNWQ form2 index.html 1508511485916



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