Adopt Meg a Exotic Mixed cat in Vancouver BC ()

Meet Meg With a very unique little face there is not thing that we do not love about this feline. Brimming with personality and oozing with love we just can t get enough of Meg. Meg came into our care as a result of a cruelty investigation. She had been living in very unsanitary conditions and a large amount of other animals. Meg had been a mom time and time again and now she s ready to be babied and spoiled. You may have noticed that of Meg s eyes looks a little different than the other. This is likely something that she has lived with for a long time and it isn t requiring any treatment at this time. Her vision is likely impaired and she needs to remain safe and indoors . Her new guardians will need to help with daily face washes as her breed is pr to watery eyes. Meg gets along very well with other felines and we don t think she has a mean b in her body. She s incredibly affectionate and loves to bat around her toys (it s sweet).... Photos and contact info on Advertigo website....



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