Rango-male bearded dragon

Rango-male bearded dragon 175We first got him 3 years ago at PetSmart and we are the first owner of him. He s very easy to take care of Super chill and he always makes us laugh when he does silly things.He eats green veggies he loves MUSTARD GREENS. His favorite He also likes squash and apple as treats. He hates pinkies we don t know why. Do not give him pinkies. Just stick to what he likes. He loves superworm crickets and also dubia roaches He would go crazy looking for them and eat them.---We tend to buy worms at any PetSmart Petco Reigning Reptiles in Buford Creation Pet in Woodstock.He s a very easy pet and never hurts bites us. He loves cuddles sleeps in a warm blanket and would chill on your shoulder.Ok now .why are we putting him up for adoption This is not an easy decision but we have to give him away to a better home. Someone who can be able to give him more attention. We just started a new business and we ve been very very busy. We haven t been home much lately. We would rather give him away to a new owner who knows reptiles very well. Rango could be perfect for a 10 years old kid who want to learn more about reptiles. All you need to do is making sure he s ok. Feed him. Pet him. Let him chill on your shoulder. Take cute pictures of him.He will come with-a 40 gallon tank-his bowls-habitat decors-lamp-reptile vitamin stuff-shedding spray reptiles-water spray bottleWe are from Oakwood Gainesville. We will be willing to meet in Gainesville Flowery Branch Buford Lawrenceville Cumming Roswell Alpharetta John Creek Woodstock.



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