Adopt Izzie a All Black Domestic Shorthair (short coat) cat in C

Izzie is a female short hair black cat. She will be approx ten weeks on the 15th of June. She was found wandering outside of a veterinary office. She had her 1st round of shots and was tested and was negative on May 18th. She will have her 2nd round of shots on June 15th. She was fixed on June 10th. She loves to eat as you can see by her big belly and she is not afraid to tell you that she is hungry. She does well with kids and other cats as well as dogs when she is slowly introduced. She eats dry food Friskies the original and uses the litterbox well. She is pretty laid-back and loves to watch TELEVISION. She prefers to sleep in her cat bed as to being in the human bed. She loves to sit in the window and look outside but is strictly an indoor cat. She will be available for adoption June 18th 2016....



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