ASCA Australian Shepherds

ASCA Registered Australian Shepherds. Ready to go 06 11 16. 2 Blue Merle Females 1 Red Merle Female 1 Red Merle Male 1 Red Tri Male Beautiful chrome and copper Champion working agility lines. Siblings currently competing and bringing home the ribbons in agility and obedience. These are standard size Aussies NOT minis. I do not raise minis. I anticipate these puppies reaching the 50lb. mark. Raised in my house and around kids. Very laid back and extremely smart. Up to date on vaccinations and deworming. Tails and dewclaws removed. Some were natural bobs. Please text or call Kristin at 909-997-6976 for more information. Please do not respond by email. It is no longer a valid address. Thanks



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