Men s Black Leather Beret Cap - Price: $12

56th Street at Virginia Ave I have a practically brand new superb condition Men s Black Leather Beret style cap. On-line I priced them around 20- 25 I bought about a year or so ago wore it 1 time and thought I looked not quite appropriate in it - hence the reason i just never wear hats. It is a Scala Classico Adams label size L XL. I am moving and try to clean out as many closets and boxes as possible - the less to move the better. Plus the cash will come in handy as I am heading to the new area with no job and no place to live. I am asking 12 OBO - I also have another hat listed today (look for it - black leather men s hobo style). And watch fore my moving sale to be held August 16th and 17th. Call me if you are interested. Marc...



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