CAD Drafter - Compensation: Negotiable

I have been out of work for 1.5 years and I am looking forward to my next opportunity. I have 30 years experience. I started out working on the board then moved to Microstation which I used for 3 years. I then moved to AutoCAD and learned the modules to Softdesk which is now part of Civil 3D. I have been using AutoCAD and Civil 3D for approximately 20 years. I have utilized Civil 3D to produce plans of Environmental Architectural Traffic Light Installation M.O.T. Storm Sewer Water Sanitary Sewer Parking Sidewalk Sprinkler Systems Paving Diagrams for permits Drainage and Site Plans Plan and Profile X-sections Grading exhibits. I used Microsoft Excel and Access to produce reports and data base files. I have also used Power Point to set up slides for meetings. Please contact me for more information.



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