Vendors Wanted for New Flea Market/Craft Mall in Fayetteville/Jo

New Flea Market Craft Mall on the Block Vendors wanted in the Fayetteville Johnson Arkansas area. New and used items books CD s DVD s Avon Products Antiques Scentsy Candles Handmade Craft items and so much more . If you have it we will sell it for you All you do is come in set up your booth how you want it and we do the rest First month s booth space rental is FREE if you sign a 3 month contract with us. After the first month you will be charged the normal booth space rental fee. Contact us Today at 479-587-8532 or email us at piratesplunderfleamarket(at) Like us on Facebook s pages Pirates-Plunder-Flea-Market-and-Craft-Mall 566335960066834 Company Vision Pirate s Plunder Flea Market is a new and unique retail venue with the flair of an indoor Flea Market and a Handmade Craft Show. The large variety of offerings with aggressive pricing will bring consumers from far beyond the local geographic areas. We envision that a diverse product mix will entice shoppers to visit often to view the new items on sale.



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