Adopt Rose a Brown Tabby Domestic Shorthair (short coat) cat in

Rose is a curious friendly active kitten. She likes to explore and will cover every corner of the room and check out anything new. Her favorite toy is her sister Dawn. They love to wrestle and chase each other. She also likes to cuddle with her foster family.Behaviorally and socially it s best to adopt kittens in pairs or into a home with a playful cat. Kittens really need a playmate in their forever home and then they can get to play and snuggle while you re not home.If you are only interested in adopting a single kitten and you re home most of the day and able to spend interactive time with a kitten we will consider adopting out a kitten older than four months. Each foster home knows the kitten s personalities best and we follow their recommendations for single placements....



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