2012 Taylor 12-Fret Rosewood Acoustic/Electric NEW - Price: $2,4

Taylor 12-Fret Rosewood Acoustic Electric Guitar NEW The 12-Fret is a Grand Concert that truly speaks for itself. As a result of joining the neck to the body at the 12th fret rather than the 14th and moving the bridge farther back on the soundboard the guitar s tone sounds wonderfully aged right out of the case. The modern vintage voice blends warmth and depth on the low end with sparkling clarity and articulation and yields surprising overall volume for a smaller body style. This guitar is brand new but has been discontinued so we are able to offer it at a heavily discounted price. Original Retail Price 3 898 Features Sitka Spruce top and Indian Rosewood back and sides Expression system preamp Venetian Cutaway with ivoroid binding Ebony fretboard Taylor hardshell case ...



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