Adopt Kit A042780 a Brown Tabby Domestic Shorthair (short coat)

Extremely Urgent. Located at Sumter County Animal Services.Lovable Kit says please come adopt me She is 1 of the many small kittens available now at Sumter County Animal Services for adoption.Please visit the Humane Society today and asked to be taken over there to visit them and save a life today.About a dozen exquisite loving cats sit in the cat room at Sumter County Animal Services. They are awesome cats who have lots of love and purrs for you and your family. Please open your heart and your home to the love of a shelter pet.The shelter is open on Saturday from 10 30am to 1 30pm so you can meet them then as well as Mon-Fri 10 30am to 3pm.We are NOT the shelter just caring people networking the animals of Sumter County at Animal Services.All adoptions rescues at Sumter County Animal Services are now done through the Humane Society SPCA of Sumter County Inc.994 CR 529A PO Box 67 Lake Panasoffkee FL 33538352-793--X...



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