General Labor Positions w/Benefits! - Compensation: See Offer.

General Labor Positions w Benefits Raises & Benefits available Express Employment Professionals is seeking people with manufacturing work experience machine operation assembly packaging sorting general labor etc. The ideal candidate will have 6 months of recent light industrial experience a good work ethic great attendance history and a positive attitude. Express Employment Professionals offers the best comprehensive benefits program in the staffing industry. Our medical dental & optical coverage is available to you immediately at a low weekly cost. We also offer Holiday Pay at 500 hours worked and Vacation Pay at 1 000 hours worked. All candidates are subject to drug screening and criminal background check. Here s what you need to qualify 6 months of recent light industrial experience Ability to lift up to 25 lbs Able to stand for 8 -- 10 hours Reliable transportation The Benefits Medical Dental and Vision benefits available immediately Holiday Pay Vacation Pay 401k Advancement Opportunities Direct Deposit Please email resume to jobs.hollandmuskegonmi(at)expresspros.comThan k you



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