Pepe - Male Chihuahua Mix

Hi I m Pepe I m 9 yrs young and a great find if I do say so myself I had a dental infection and lost all my teeth so my tongue hangs out of my mouth my foster mom finds this ADORABLE I can still eat dry food though and I m not picky. I get along with other dogs I am housebroken and do not need to be kenneled because I don t get into anything. I follow along with my foster mom and dad I love attention and sitting by myself. I also like to get a little playful from time to time. My foster mom says I would make a great companion for pretty much anybody because I m so sweet and well behaved. I don t like to brag but she thinks I m pretty perfect. I don t even bark to much can you believe it My foster mom thinks I may be hard of hearing but I know how to interact with her so she understands what I need. Really I m quite easy going and love to give kisses. If you think you have room in your heart to give me a wonderful forever home please contact the rescue so we can meet. My adoption fee is 250.... More Info



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