Adopt Snoops a Domestic Mediumhair Mixed cat in Choctaw OK (139

Snoops - Black tabby and white - med longhair. Male neutered NOT de-clawed. He is a little shy as he was not socialized much but is coming out of his shell. He loves being pet and will grab your hands to pull to his head so you will pet him. He ll sit on the counter and demand attention when you walk by and has started to voluntarily leave his bed for attention. He also rolls over for his belly to be rubbed. Oddly he is absolutely terrified of the broom and mop but didn t seem to mind when my husband used a loud razor in the bathroom. He doesn t seem to like the smaller kids because they are loud and scare him. He would probably do better in a house with older calmer kids. Snoops has no idea that we have dogs so I don t know how well he would do around them....



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