2011 Honda Odyssey EX

ONLINE AUCTION for GOVERNMENT SURPLUS2011 Honda Odyssey EX Sports Van 3.5L V6 SOHC 24V. Vehicle will start and run with a jump. This was a drug seizure so has been setting for a while. The AC was working for a little bit now it only blows warm air. It maybe low on Freon not real sure. It does have a few scuffs on van should buff out see pictures for details. One of the mirrors has a hole in it but still works just fine. The interior is pretty clean inside just needs a good detail. NO warning lights on all appears to be working fine windows locks etc. MILES - 103 787 VIN - 5FNRL5H44BB017696This vehicle is being sold by Online Auction on GovDeals.com. QAL 4552-485 Auction Ends 09 28 2018 The price listed in this ad is the starting or current bid and subject to change. All items are sold AS IS WHERE IS and bidders may inspect prior to placing a bid.To see full details additional photos and current bid please go to - s www.govdeals.com index.cfm fa Main.Item& itemID 485& acctid 4552



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