Cola - Male Dachshund Mix

Cola is a loving animal friendly to both human and dogs cats. He is a mild good-natured sweet-tempered and intelligent dog. He is always smiling and loves to be cuddled. He is an absolutely a sweet boy and anyone can touch him even a stranger. He likes to play fetch quick in learning new skills and very obedience and he can follow commands very well.Cola is abandoned when he was three months old in rice field and he was fallen into a ditch and then a farmer pulled him up from ditch but didn t bring him to home. He was living with a litter puppies the mother of puppies adopted him and shared food to him. A feeder found them all are skinny then took them home but the feeder has too many dogs so she called out for help from us. We take over the responsibility to finding a happy lovely home for Cola after the nice lady called out for help.Cola is still waiting for his future destiny and uncertain fate. We hope he will soon be adopted by a loving family where he can be loved and cherished.View all of our dogs at -.--.- dogs where you can view Cola s videos and full profile An adoption application MUST first be submitted to be considered for adoption or meeting. FILL OUT AN APPLICATION HERE TO GET THE PROCESS STARTED -X -.--.- application If you are submitting an inquiry without submitting an application please allow up to a week to hear back from us. If you do not hear back from us after a week kindly send us a reminder and one of our volunteers will respond as soon as possible.... More Info



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