Adopt Kirby a BrownChocolate - with White Boxer Hound (Unknown

Say hello to Kirby- an adorable happy go lucky and loving girl who is ready for a forever home that comes complete with a family that will have plenty of time to play with and love her Kirby is an incredibly sweet gem of a girl- she is approx 1 yr old 39 pounds and is a stunning brown and white Boxer Hound mixture. Kirby is ready to come running right into your arms and begin her new precious life Kirby is a fantastically friendly and well adjusted girl. She has a medium energy level and loves to play- she would do best in a home where she will have a yard to run in and a family that will include her in plenty of activities. Kirby absolutely loves other dogs so she would really do nice in a home with another dog. And she adores kids- Kirby is a extra cute gentle and loving girl. A good passenger in the car Kirby really enjoys getting out to see the world. She also is a big fan of going for walks and is learning not to pull on the leash- she is ready to be your walking partner ...



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