Adopt Arielle a Domestic Shorthair Mixed cat in Topeka KS (1556

Meow My name is Arielle I am a really sweet 2yr old Tortoiseshell I m looking for my forever home. Read below to find out if we are the right match. HOW DID I COME INTO THE SHELTER I came in on May 10th as a stray I m so happy I made my way here because I m getting the 2nd chance that I deserve. I can t wait to find my family and get to my new home.HOW MUCH EXERCISE DO I NEED I love to explore and roam around. I entertain myself for the most part. I like to find adventure in everything I do. I would love to find a family that will explore with me. HOW MUCH GROOMING DO I NEED I have short shiny pruufect fur and I can manage it myself. Though a nice brushing will help keep it the shiniest coat in town.AM I AN INDOOR OR OUTDOOR CAT I love living inside so I can be close to my family. If you get me a cat tower with a scratch post it will keep my paws happy give me a place to cat nap and a perch to watch over my furever family....



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