Adopt Gertrude a Tricolor (TanBrown and Black and White) Treeing

This sweet little beauty is Gertrude and all she wants is a home to rest her sweet little head and a family that loves her. Gerdie was found just trying to make it on her own running around in search of a family to call her very own. Now a Dog Star Gerdie is so very excited for the brighter days that she knows are ahead Gerdie is an fullgrown is approx 40lbs and is a Treeing Walker Coonhound Beagle mixture. She has a tricolor coat and is absolutely lovely in every way. Once you meet Gerdie your heart just melts Gerdie has a medium energy level and she loves to run and play and enjoy the outdoors. She would be a cute companion for all kinds of adventures whether it be going for a hike or just a walk around the neighborhood. Just keep an eye out for squirrels- she thinks they are super fun to chase Gerdie is a bit shy when you 1st meet her but once she feels safe she warms right up and just longs to be by your side and for you to pet her and love her....



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