Burst into your brand new home 189B

Get into your brand new 2018 3 bedroom 2 bathroom home by August 15th This home has all the upgrades Fridge dishwasher stove walk in closets ceiling fans beautiful cabinets in the kitchen and bathrooms This is on a huge corner lot We are close to 465 15 min from Downtown Indianapolis minutes from Plainfield and Avon Ben Davis is the high school and Chapel Glen is the elementary. We are open Monday-Thursday 8 30am-7 00pm Friday 8 30am-5 30pm and Saturday 10 00am-3 00pm. Call today to schedule a time to see this beautiful home 317-271-5835 99 security deposit 99 lot rent for 3 months Don t miss out on these specials This home is for sale and we also offer LTO for only 914.00 a month that includes home payment lot rent water sewer and trash Along with the completed application we will need copies of your driver license social security card as well as one month s proof of income. You can get a copy of the application on our website www.mariwoodmhc.com



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