Adopt Russell a White Poodle (Miniature) Mixed dog in Houston T

Hi My name is Russell. I m pretty new to K- Angels but I m so happy they saved me I have a warm bed plenty of food furry brothers and I m crazy about my foster mom. I love to follow her around the house give her kisses and nap on her lap. We are working on my house manners and I m doing really well I ve had a couple of accidents but my foster mom said they were her fault and that I m a good boy. I would do well with other puppies and with older children. I don t know how I feel about cats. If you are looking for a happy playful boy look no further Russell is a male Poodle Mix that was been around March . PUPPIES Young puppies that have not had their nd round of puppy shots will not be at the Adoption Center for our weekend adoption events. If you are interested in adopting a puppy please fill out an application on our website k-angelsrescue. org adoption_process_k-_ angels_rescue.html . If your application is approved a meeting can be arranged.... Photos and contact details on Advertigo website....



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