MWF ISO family oriented MWM

Thank you for visiting my posting and I hope that you are finding what I hope to offer. I am 37 married happily so. I am the mom of two daughters and am an entrepeneur no not the I am an entrepeneur but don t actually do anything - I have a successful small business that takes most of my time. My family takes up the rest. I am looking for a man my age or older (I have no upper age limit) that is also preferably attached but looking to let his taboo mind come out and play. I would like to get some attention that I won t get at home simply because I don t really let that side of my reveal itself towards my family. So I hope to find a well versed gentleman that can hold up a conversation and would not mind up opening up about some thoughts fantasies experiences (I have them...).Although with my schedule and private life planning is horrible it is my intention to eventually meet but it will require some patience.The taboo interest is important. If you have to ask what might be considered taboo you are not the person I am looking for. All the information to find that out is in my posting.CL D



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