Adopt Ebony Indiana Jones a All Black Japanese Bobtail (medium c

Ebony is the feline version of Indiana Jones. He has traveled far and wide to find ancient artifacts and lost civilizations. He barely survived his last trip braving the dangers of the Amazon. He stumbled upon the ancient ruins of a lost civilization. While attempting to dislodge some ancient bones from a cave he was knocked unconscious by some tomb raiders kidnapped and almost died. He awoke to find himself wandering aimlessly around a city building in La Crescent MN. He was brought to us hungry and tired and we are nursing him back to health. He loves the relatively mellow and laid back atmosphere at the La Crescent Animal rescue shelter but longs for a family to share his tales of adventure and travel. He decided this last brush with death as a sign to retire and find a family who will enjoy living vicariously through his stories of bravery and wanderlust. ...



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