Adopt Murphy-Kitten a Domestic Shorthair Mixed (short coat) cat

Murphy Adoption payment 125.00 Neutered and up to date on vaccines Murphy is not only stunning but playful and wonderful he ll make a good addition to any home Until adopted he will be at Casselberry Petsmart on the weekends noon to 5pm Visit this organization s website to see any additional info available about this pet. Please fill out an adoption form at our website adopt adoption-applications Please note that not all animals are at every adoption event if you would like to schedule a meeting with a potential cat or dog please fill out the application and contact the person listed on the animal s profile. Rescuing Animals In Need does not have an adoption facility all of our adoptable pets are fostered in the homes of volunteers. Therefore it is important to contact us beforehand to ensure we have the very latest info regarding your potential new pet CERTIFICATION NUMBER CH19961 A COPY OF THE OFFICIAL CERTIFICATION AND FINANCIAL INFO MAY BE...



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