gorgeous Friesian Mare Horse for sale

Aleksander Von Jouke is a baroque type Friesian sixteen hands big boned and extremely GENTLE temperament. His Dam is Teadske Viankje H. and Sire is Jouke L. imported from Holland. He has been barefoot his entire life and easily kept on a natural lifestyle. EXTREMELY sociable waiting for you at the gate and always ready to be caught. Stands quiet tied for farrier bathing grooming saddling mounting and trailers. I personally have trained Aleksander ground up top ten trainer NC fifteen and he has extensive advanced groundwork. He was started under saddle late last year so very well developed with no issues or history of lameness colic etc. Easily handled on the ground with just a rope halter. He has been trained using positive reinforcement in a method very similar to clicker training my web siteis www.clicksofconfidence.com and thoroughly enjoys his training sessions....



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