Adopt Marble a Calico or Dilute Calico Domestic Shorthair (short

This big ball of fur is Marble Marble is a bit on the shy side but with a calm approach she warms up just fine She enjoys a great play session but would prefer to spend her days napping in a sun spot. This pretty lady prefers to not share her people friends with other cats so she is best suited for a home with no other feline companions. Marble is a bit on the hefty side so her new family should plan on getting her on a weight loss plan of diet and exercise to get her back to a healthy weight. Are you looking for a big loveable companion for liife Come by and visit her today PetSmart EAC If you are interested in meeting Marble please visit the Anti-Cruelty Society Adoption Carousel at the following link for up to the 2nd availability and location information adopt-a-new-companion adopt-a-cat . Based on age and location our cat adoption charges range from 60- 85 and dog adoptions charges are 95- 170....



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