Adopt Norma Jean a White (Mostly) Turkish Van (medium coat) cat

Norma Jean is the gorgeous mom of the Rat Pack. We rescued her from a shelter when her babies were 3-4 weeks old. They all have been indoors enjoying good food and attention. Norma Jean is super friendly too and exquisite. She is a Turkish Angora Van. These pictures don t do her justice since you can t see how exquisite her coat is with a salt and pepper and a little gold tail.She has a handsome personality too and is now ready for her own home. Norma Jean would be happy to be adopted with 1 of her kittens or by herself. We don t really know how she is with other full grown kitties since we have kept the family separate. Our guess is that she does get along with other cats because to get pregnant she had to have been around other cats.Spayed current on vaccines micro chipped for ID negative for FeLV FIV dewormed and flea free. All ready for your home. ...



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