Adopt Scarlett a Tricolor (TanBrown and Black and White) Beagle

We d like to welcome Scarlett I am a 2 yr old female Beagle and weigh 18.8lbs. My former home was a bad place to live because my owner was a hoarder and had too many animals in his house. I was very scared that I would always live there because there was never enough great food soft beds toys and clean water. I was so happy when I was arrived at Wish Bone - everyone is so nice there and they are taking very nice care of me.I now have my own cage with plenty of food and water plus a warm blanket and a few toys. I can t wait to take walks and get a bath groom. I am a gorgeous girl who is looking for my forever family - will you consider an lovable dog like me My min adoption donation is 245 plus a 10 fee for rabies certification with McLean County Animal Control (McLean County residents).I will be spayed prior to adoption micro chipped vaccinated heart worm and fecal checked dewormed and am on flea and heart worm preventatives....



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