Hayford Marketing

Your business needs an on-line presence. Hayford Marketing will help your business increase profits by creating a professional website create social network pages place free classified ads place your company in local and nationwide directories and place your site on 100 s of search engines.Hayford Marketing also provides services such as business to business telemarketing data base creation email marketing lead generation event planning creating logos flyers and any other visual media. No matter what kind of small business you have. Sometimes you run out of ideas.Need someone to brain storm with I have been doing marketing long before the internet.Remember the land line phone a list and a pen. Now there is so much more you can do.So I learned website design social networking and many other ways for get my clients out there.The land line is still a great tool and I use it every day. Business to business telemarketing still works.Together we can create a plan to build your client base. Belong to a local chamber We will send a professional from our company to represent you at the chamber meetings. He or she will represent themselves as an employee of your company or firm. We will be just as passionate about your company as you are. We want to be a part of your team.We are located in Reynoldsburg Ohio but work with clients all over the country.



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