Premium Firewood Kindling Camping Bundles (North Shore) - Price:

This is some of the best premium hand chopped firewood bundles available for camping The firewood bundles are assorted hand selected pieces split from maple birch alder fir and hemlock. As an added bonus we have also included some kindling into each bundle of firewood to help you get your first campfire started smoothly. Each bundle is convenient to carry and is approximately 20-25lbs (that is more than double the amount that you get at gas stations convenient stores and home depot with a diameter of 12 -14 circumference of 41 -45 and a length range of 13 -15 . The firewood is clean and dry and has been cured for two years. Free delivery to designated areas on the NorthShore. Free delivery throughout the lower mainland with quantities of five bundles or more otherwise there may be a delivery charge. Happy Camping We also have bundles of premium hand chopped kindling for camping available in limited quantities. Please contact toll free for any additional info. 1.888.625.4558 or feel free to visit the Pacific Empire Store for Firewood 1 bundle 9.00 2 bundles 16.00 ( 8.00 ea) ( 2.00 Saved) 3 bundles 21.00 ( 7.00 ea) ( 6.00 Saved) 4 bundles 24.00 ( 6.00 ea) ( 12.00 Saved) 5 bundles 25.00 ( 5.00 ea) ( 20.00 Saved)



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