Looking for Chihuahua

I am looking for a new chihuauhua female. However i dont want just any chihuahua. I have a specific girl in mind. My dream girl is about 8 months - 1yr old long coat AKC registered nice solid build a minimum of 5 pounds (will take bigger) good with kids cats and dogs nice laid back personality ( or as laid back as i can get I know this breed and that it is not a super common trait but know it is there) house trained ( at least to pee pad) is highly prefered as is leash training and my ideal color is blue or merle will look at other colors as well ( just not to interested in solid colors or black). I know this is specific and may be hard to find but i hope to find the right girl even if it is not one of those colors. If you think you may have what i am looking for please contact me. However do not contact me if you consider your blue chihuahua rare and are charging an extreme amount for it. I WILL pay a reasonable amount but not to someone claiming to have a rare dog. Blue is not a rare color neither is merle you just have to know what you are doing and breed for it properly.



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