Our highly-credentialed accident attorneys include both experienced aviation attorneys and commercial pilots with over 20 years of flying experience and over 20 years of aviation-law experience. We handle accidents resulting in death and serious injuries including severe emotional distress. Our firm is dedicated to the prompt investigation of aviation-related accidents caused by the negligence of airlines aircraft manufacturers and regulatory agencies charged with airway and airport oversight. There are usually several factors that cause any plane crash. Aviation accidents are caused by pilot error pilot fatigue faulty equipment FAA regulation violations structural problems of the aircraft weather in-flight icing caused by design flaws faulty maintenance and or the negligence of airline employees air traffic controllers and line personnel. Practical experience makes the difference. It is important to have experienced and knowledgeable accident attorneys working with you to help determine the best way to investigate and handle your accident case. Our experienced counsel can handle the recent accidents that occurred in the United States including the aviation accidents that recently happened in New Jersey Colorado New York and Washington DC. William Muhr LLP has some of the nation s finest aviation attorneys. We know how to settle accident cases to the complete satisfaction of the victim. If you have been involved in an aviation accident give us a call at 800-934-4529 for a free consultation with an experienced aviation accident attorney or call Mr Sang Lee who is our Korean Team Lawyer at 303-829-6989. We can meet you at our San Francisco office or any location that you will prefer. We have attorneys and staff who speak Korean and Chinese fluently. Our Office address is William Muhr Attorneys & Counselors at Law LLP 50 California Street -- Suite 1500 San Francisco CA 94105
Category: Legal services
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