International Students need local host families

International Students Need Host Families Global Language Service Networks Inc. invites American families who are interested in hosting an international student for this upcoming 2013-2014 school year. We seek qualified host families to provide a safe and nurturing home environment for our international students abroad. If you are a loving family and have a spare room in your home for an international student for this upcoming school year please contact us. The family must be a native speaker of English and be able to treat the student like their own family. Participating families will be offered 700 compensation except for summer vacation. All students come with their own insurance and spending money. GLSN will serve and provide you with dedicated support staff host family training and 24 hours emergency support when you need it. If you would like to join this memorable opportunity to make cultural exchanges with young international students please request an application to GLSN at 215-949-3380 or at director(at)



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