2/3 BHK - AVJ Ace City, Plot No. 1, Sector-1, Greater Noida - Pr

AVJ Group has launched another excellence in residential property arena called AVJ Ace City. Equipped with all kinds of modern facilities and amenities this residential marvel stands tall in the prominent location of Greater Noida. AVJ Ace City offers a perfect blend of harmony and lavishness in nature this phenomenal residential project offers 2 3 BHK apartments spread over acres of lush greeneries. With all sorts of modern architectural features implemented in it these homes are believed to be the best in terms of extraordinary designs and features. To know the configurations available in AVJ Ace City visit - www.indiahomes.com india-properties Noida-Real-Estate AVJ- AVJ-Ace-City Plot-No.-1 -Sector_1 359793806132000930.html



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